
4 Tacoma

Tacoma has and always will be my home. As a community we have all of the ingredients for greatness. Our residents, our infrastructure, and our resources. We just need to utilize what we have better. The road to destiny is gritty. There will be challenges but by using what we have voting in a transformative leader, we can accomplish our goals of having a Tacoma that everyone is proud to live in.
-Hunter D. Henderson.

Who I AM


Growing up a biracial kid on Hilltop in the 90s and 2000s was still rough. I recall in elementary school not having a bubble to describe my race, I had to choose one or other. And I recall when that changed. I have been seeing system inequalities my entire life. When I graduated in 2007, less than 50% of the students district wide graduated. When I grew up, The City of Destiny - Tacoma, was a lost cause to many.

Now that has changed. Tacoma Public Schools now graduates 80% of students district wide. That was due to hard work and changes in policies. That is why I got my Masters in Public Administration (MPA) so I can better understand and help write policies of the future. Destiny is about change and we live in a data driven society. I want to make decisions and policies that follow data to make effective change.

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What I'm about


Tacoma is more than my home, it is my hope.

Born and raised here, I can see a better future.

My education and career have been about building a better tomorrow.

With your help, as Mayor I would make my dream for a more prosperous Tacoma a reality.

has all of the right ingredients for greatness:

  • The west coast's deepest natural port
  • An infrastructure not too restricted by short sighted developments
  • A diverse community with unlimited potential
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Erin Jones

"I, Erin Jones, former Tacoma Public Schools teacher and administrator - former candidate for State Superintendent of Schools (2016)- endorse Hunter Henderson, my former student. I was proud to have Hunter as a student. He was always thoughtful and clear in his communications. He was a servant-leader. He has demonstrated a continued commitment to the community of his childhood. He has done the work to develop as a leader and learn about how to effectively serve a community to which he has spent his life."

Help Elect A real one

Only together can we Build A Better Tacoma